Red Eye Flights, Photoshopping and Faking It
It's Official - I'm a Curmudgeon

And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor....

FeaturedNo,  this blog is not a featured publication.

But my Substack newsletter, Inside Out, is! The newsletter chronicles the experience of teaching journalism inside a state prison. Please forgive me for being my own publicist. And thanks so much if you've already checked out the newsletter.

But on the off chance that you haven't, being featured was a big deal, and brought in hundreds of new subscriptions. It was exciting for me. I'm now hearing from people from all over the world. Sometimes I need to use Google Translate just to read some of the comments. 

I wrapped up the journalism course last week, and am waiting to see where the nonprofit I work for will send me next. I may reprise the class, but at a different facility. Or I may return to the prison  where I've been teaching for the last 12 weeks, but this time offer Memoir.

I do worry about exploiting the men and their stories in my own writing. Here's a link to the class during which I told the guys in my class about the newsletter and how they initially reacted.

In other news, is anyone else whacked by this allergy season? I haven't had allergies since I was a teenager and they are suddenly back with a vengeance. I'm barking like a seal all day and night. 





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